UFOs langweilen, deswegen hier mal ein Kind mit Superkräften.
Anmerkungen bei YouTube:
Video under the name «the Flying girl in the Russian wood», has been presented by user Jevgenij2000. «I made shooting on a videocamera during walk with my dog. I can't explain that there occurred», — author Evgenie has written. Video lasts only 44 seconds, originally shows the author of a roller playing with a dog. When the videocamera has turned to the right, on the screen there was a silhouette soaring in air in horizontal position of the girl, with the raised top part of a body. On the earth there is mum of the girl observing for it. The dog has begun a bark and, having seen that on them the videocamera is directed, the girl has quickly gone down on the earth then they with the mum have quickly left this place.
At schools of the Buddha and Dao, assume that at people who were well improved in the practice, channels of meridians are opened, and they can soar and fly. Many religions speak about transformation and, probably, ability to soar speaks the brought abilities from antecedents.
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